An active environmentalist, Preston Roberts was a man who was known for his work at Turtle Island Preserve. Born and raised in North Carolina, he was the man who spent his complete life working at Turtle Island.

Preston Roberts net worth

He was a great teacher, a preserver and a mentor who was taken into the limelight by the history channel’s popular show, ‘Mountain Men’.

In this post we are going to look at Preston Roberts net worth.

This man was a legend and a survivor, his hand made knives were very popular and so was his knowledge on various environmental subjects. He also earned a huge fan following and as a result of his TV show and his tools knifes manufacturing and touring job.

Unfortunately, we lost this legend in 2017.

Early Life

Born in 1957, Preston was a very active and fun loving kid. He loved to visit Pisgah National Forest and sent his childhood days by roaming in that park.

He completed his high school from Carolina, Preston graduated in arts from Appalachian State University. He was a nature loving person who spent his entire life by working for nature’s preservation, provided teaching on various environmental topics and taught people how to live in the woods without affecting it.

He liked to work at Turtle Island with his good buddy Eustace Conway.

Personal Life

Preston Roberts was a happily married person, he loved his wife very much and never skipped a moment to adore her. He was married to Kathleen DuPont McGuire, whom he met in 1975 and the couple had three children.

He was a fond believer of his wife’s luck and quoted many times. He said that he was fortunate enough to have such a lovely wife who motivated him at every point of his life.

It was the love of his wife which made him change the old saying of ‘Behind every success of a man, there is a women’ and made it like ‘Beside every successful man, there is his wife supporting him’.

He stayed with his wife and three children till his death and there was never had any single controversy or rumor about him. He was a one women person and was not only an environmentalist only.

He also worked as a Gardner, reared chickens, horses. He loved to be called a woodsman as his most of the time got spent in woods only.

Career and Awards

Preston Roberts worked as an environmentalist all of his life, he was a teacher and a brilliant artist. His art of making knives, fishing and hunting were enough to make anyone his fan.

He met Eustace Conway, whom he considered as his best buddy, in 1992. It was the skills and dedication of Preston which attracted the history channel and they shot a complete show on him titled as ‘Mountain Man’.

He spent most of the time of his life by living in a log cabin at East Fork River. In a show aired by history channel, Preston was filmed making knives from circular sawmill blade. It was his creative designs of the knife, his hunting, fishing lessons along with his work at Turtle Island and of course his high TRP television show which made him so popular and rich.

He was also interviewed by various shows and magazines and was also got awarded by many awards for his work in the fields of conservation of forest and Turtle Island.

Preston Roberts Death

Preston Roberts, sadly died in 2017 due to a tumor in his liver, as it was an inoperable tumor which stopped the supplies of oxygen and blood in his liver.

It was the popularity of this man that a fund gathered around 110,382 USD after his death. He died in the presence of his wife and children.

Because of the enormous success of ‘Mountain Man’, Preston had become a popular personality and when he died, his family received hundreds of condolence messages.

Preston Roberts Net worth

Preston Roberts Net worth reached the bar of 2.5 million USD. He spent his life by working for the environment and was an active supporter of wildlife preservation.