Nowadays, we operate in an increasingly visual online realm.

Internet users have limited attention spans and their attention gravitates toward images.  They shun blocks of dry text and who can really blame them?

This is to say ecommerce listings and product descriptions only go so far.

Branding and Ecommerce Product Photography

On the other hand, quality ecommerce product photography allows you to captivate the audience. It enhances user experience (UX) and profoundly shapes consumer behavior.

These “silent brand ambassadors” can make or break your whole store, as well as the sale strategy.

Thus, you cannot just capture items with your phone and upload them immediately. There are too many brands doing something similar and fizzling as a result.  

Here is a guide on how to create expert-level photography and set yourself apart.


Tools of the Trade

Your ecommerce site isn’t just a product listing.

It echoes your brand personality and voice. Product photos represent powerful tools for visual storytelling. They are some of the most important pieces of content you produce.

Did you know the majority of online shoppers prefer a good photo to product descriptions and reviews? It’s true and just one indication of the sway visuals have over decision-making.

In a nutshell, photos assert your authority and give people a taste of what the products are like. This is extremely important because online shopping doesn’t offer a tangible feel of brick-and-mortar purchases.

Yes, you can think of images as windows into your store.

And from this standpoint, a picture is indeed worth a thousand words. It communicates various ideas and evokes emotions in an instant.  You have a chance to make a striking first impression and arrest attention the moment visitors land.

Not only that but photography fosters overall consumer trust and improves your brand perception.


Face Value and Beyond

Furthermore, great product photos can facilitate a handful of favorable business outcomes.

They spur store engagement and conversions, prompting visitors to stick around and explore the site. Visuals also help you retain customers and extract more value over their lifecycle.

The only problem is building visually-driven product pages is no cakewalk. Generic photos with poor resolution don’t cut it. They arouse consumer suspicion and indecisiveness instead of warding them off.

In fact, shabby product photography can steer people toward your competition. So, you have to plan ahead of time and invest in crafting stunning visuals.

The first principle is photography must resonate with your target audience and solicit an emotional connection.

Secondly, consistency is a defining trait of any successful online brand. Ensure this quality unites your whole visual asset stack.

Thirdly, photos should make your products seem desirable and valuable. This isn’t just about merely showing what you have in store. You need to create a certain mood and story.

This kind of gripping photography compensates for the lack of all the traditional shopping staples— interior décor, music, salespeople, etc.


With Flying Colors

The prospects of driving sales are directly proportionate to the amount of effort you put in.

Product photography is a fine art and your creative choices matter a great deal. Aesthetic principles of good product photography govern the whole production process.

In particular, you should focus on the following:

  • Color palette
  • Focal length
  • Shadows
  • Lighting
  • Saturation
  • Composition
  • Image Quality

We’re not going to go into too much detail here. That being said, certain elements deserve more attention than others.

When it comes to color palette, you’re free to get your creative juices flowing.

There are no hard rules except one: do what makes sense for your brand. For instance, bright colors ooze a playful brand, while the darker tones herald a more serious business persona.

Moving on, it’s necessary to pay close attention to the background, as it provides context. Rule number one is it mustn’t steal the attention away from the product, which always takes center stage.

A simple monochrome background is always a safe bet. If that doesn’t sound like you though, stage the surroundings. Just try not to make your photography appear too crowded and cluttered.


Success by Design

There are a few other vital aspects to keep an eye on.  

Lighting conditions, for example, need to be just right. Outside, you can count on natural lighting, while inside photography calls for additional equipment. See to it you understand the distinctive requirements of the two.

Furthermore, never compromise on quality. If your smartphone camera isn’t up to the task, invest in a high-end camera. It should have a sharp focus and at least 1,500 pixels per inch, as well as various manual adjustments.

Finally, you have to conduct photo editing, which marks the last stage of production. It beautifies the photos to the level of picture-perfect looks. The good news is there’s no shortage of tools for easy editing out there.

An alternative option would be to work with a professional photographer. Ideally, you’re able to find an individual specializing in product photography. They tend to possess advanced gear like an array of lenses, tripods, and lighting packages.

Also, notice that packaging can really sell your products and help you deliver on your promises. In case you lack in-house capacities, consider hiring a professional packaging company

The investment in compelling design solutions should pay dividends down the road. You will prompt consumers to take action and keep them coming back for more.


Ecommerce Product Photography at Its Finest

Ecommerce product photography is the crown jewel of your digital storefront.

This invaluable asset breathes life into your site and enables you to convert visitors into paying customers. This is no small feat in the online world flooded with content.

Thus, make sure you have the right equipment and know-how. Leverage various tricks to produce eye-popping images that speak volumes about your value proposition. Convey information, direct attention, and ignite emotions.

You should be able to maximize your online performance, achieve sustainable growth, and elevate sales.  That’s what you call a win-win scenario.

Check out the rest of our business section for more tips and insights. Time to rise above the competition!